Featured Articles
Weekly NewsBrief 7/8-7/14
Middle schools beefing up career and technical ed labs – By Shawna De La Rosa, Education Dive In an effort to expose students to more career and technical education opportunities, mo...
The LC Staff
Never is a Long, Long Time
Never in the history of EdTech, Education or Technology have we seen the amount of investment rumble into K-12 education. Daily, I am reading articles about record investment or new, newer or ne...
Charles Sosnik
5 Lessons in 5 Years - Growing an EdTech Company
I’m Alefiya Master, Founder and CEO of the five-year-old company MAD-learn -- an educational technology company that exposes students to Mobile App Development with the design thinking process. ...
Alefiya Master
Advice for the Edupreneur: Getting Started
If you can build a better mousetrap, then you’ll need to build a better path to your door.
Charles Sosnik
Education Impact Symposium 2017
The Learning Counsel Speaks with SIIA About EdTech Impacts and Trends
Learning Counsel Staff
"This Train Is Coming!"
Podcast with LeiLani Cauthen on the Education Industry
The LC Staff
Stop Freaking Out about Ed-Tech Funding
Companies and schools have been saying they’re “worried” about the future of Education because of budget-slashing happening at the Federal level. Let’s stop freaking out, because really, the Fe...
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Speaking a New Sales Language
The language of technology sales staffs needs to be the actual language of teaching and learning, not just tech.
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
11 Ed-Tech Sales Wisdoms
Solutions to help you contact hard to reach decision makers
Leilani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Thousands of Innovative Educators to Arrive in Austin in February for the 2018 TCEA Convention & Exposition
The 38 th annual TCEA Convention & Exposition will kick off on Monday, February 5 and run until Friday, February 9, 2018. Thousands of educators from around the world will come together to ...
The LC Staff
CDI’s Leasing Program Helps Schools on Tight Budgets Meet Technology Needs
Schools can use technology immediately while stretching payments over multiple years
The LC Staff
Curriculum Associates Wins SIIA CODiE Award for 2017 Company of the Year
Leading edtech company earns prestigious industry recognition for its significant growth, culture, and commitment to the community
The LC Staff
Corona-Norco School District Creating Equal Access for All
The district is improving efficiency and changing the way applications and resources are delivered to students, faculty, and staff.
Learning Counsel Staff
EdTech Leader Swivl Expands Its Toolset, Launching the Mirror
The New Product Uses AI to Realize the Potential of Reflection in Classrooms
Doug Cauthen
AllHere’s Innovative AI Platform for Schools Earns Recognition from the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA)
AllHere featured in SIIA’s new “Principles for the Future of AI in Education” framework
Doug Cauthen
Discovery Education Sends Teachers and Students Nationwide Back to School with a Host of Free New Resources
Charlotte, NC (Monday, August 5, 2024) — Global edtech leader Discovery Education and a selection of partners are sending students across the country back to school with a host of new, fre...
Doug Cauthen
Where Do We Go From Here?
At Warroad Public Schools, everyone wears a lot of hats. Instead of departments full of people, they have people who run a lot of departments. For example, the high school principal is the princ...
The LC Staff
Successful Planning and Implementation of a K-12 Digital Learning Environment
In the first part of our video, you’ll meet Tim Beekman, President and Co-Founder at SAFARI Montage, a highly recommended resource referred to you by the Learning Counsel. According to Beekman, ...
The LC Staff
Northeast - Digital Experience Standards: “New Model of Instructional Design and Dictionary Definitions Workshop”
In the first part of our video, LeiLani Cauthen, CEO and Publisher at the Learning Counsel News Media and Research, explains the new financial realities of the EdTech world. By all accounts, las...
The LC Staff
EdTech in 2021: Three Key Trends Shaping the Use of Technology in Education this Year
The combination of education and technology is a hot topic in 2021. Virtual classrooms and e-learning have become the new norm, and new technologies start to determine early education. The di...
Hugo Aguirre
The Uberization of Learning
What might dynamic pairings of people and learning content do for education? This is the question I am posing as I gather my thoughts and the material for my new book. As your mind conflates ...
LeiLani Cauthen
Creating Culture Conscious Campuses
Upon completion of my Fellowship with the Bellwether Education Partners/Texas Education Agency, my CCC Model was codified. I accepted the position of Chief Executive Officer of East Texas Advan...
Cynthia Wise, Ed.D
Another Giant Tech Company Pays Record Fines: What Does it All Mean?
It hardly even registers anymore. Google and YouTube agreed to pay $170 Million for violating child privacy rights. There was a time when that might have meant something. But news of tech comp...
Charles Sosnik
Why a 21st Century Teacher Isn’t Just a “Guide on the Side”
The great fiction that a teacher today has become a “guide on the side” is now hardwired into nearly every conversation about the future of teaching and learning. Teachers don’t deliver informat...
Thom Markham
Schools Say Highest Pressure Stems from Their Students’ Social and Emotional Needs
Exclusive findings from the latest Learning Counsel Survey
LeiLani Cauthen
Unlocking the Gate to Better Learning
To “ungate” in software is to allow a user to proceed to the next level or into a new section. In some software, gating is a way for teachers to lever up or hold back individual students so that...
LeiLani Cauthen
What is Data Literacy for Learning?
What is Data Literacy? Professional development in schools typically doesn’t include the basic definitions of data literacy, nor the breakdown of the logic basics that go into evaluation of ...
The LC Staff
Learning Counsel Discusses EdTech Challenges and Solutions with Education Leaders
Learning Counsel held our 3 rd Digital Transition Discussion of the year in Charlotte, NC on February 1 st , 2018. At the event education executives listened to presentations from leaders in th...
Troy Starr, Learning Counsel Writer
Tampa Prep Students Develop Virtual Reality Apps
The Future of Virtual Reality Looks Strong in K12
Kenna McHugh, Staff Writer
11 School Districts Honored for their Digital Transition Strategies
Annual Gathering celebrated innovation in teaching and learning and brought together ed-tech executives to set new goals for 2018
Cebron Walker, Editor
The Mood of Ed-Tech
A Perspective After Dallas, Texas Discussion Event
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO and Publisher
Education’s Tipping Point
Crossing the Chasm in Education
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Education’s Cascading Failure
The Technology “Villain” May Also Be Our Savoir
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Stepping into the Future
Where education will need to arrive as an end-point
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Altering Time and Space to Become an Expo Center of Learning
Principal Ben Fobert of Mountain House High School Shares on Progress and Change
Cebron Walker, Editor
Education’s Epic Road Trip
How to survive the consumerization of learning, unruffled, though changed
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Can School Districts Sustain Tech Transition?
EduLeadership Events for School District Teams Confront Digital Shift
Learning Counsel Staff
Are you still going to prefer OER? The $2.28 Billion Loss to Publishers & the Future – Part 1
This question of preferring Open Education Resources (OER) is one for everyone in education to ask. Free is great, but is it really free? I recently asked this of the new CEO of ISTE, Richar...
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Aack! How Do Schools Keep This Up?
School District Sustainability Discussions Generate New Guide to Digital Transition
Cebron Walker, Editor
Finding inspiration
Education is a very inspiring field. I came to it late in life, having a very interesting first profession in the media biz. I got my start in small town newspapers, serving as editor or ad mana...
Charles Sosnik
34 Digital Transition Sustainability Tips: Part III
Defining sustainable education transformation, your next installment
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
34 Digital Transition Sustainability Tips: Part II
The next installment of our five-part series on sustainability in education
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
34 Digital Transition Sustainability Tips
Lessons for you, your institution and your networked community
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Meeting the Digital Equity Challenge
Lawrence Public Schools Solves Student Access
Cebron Walker, Editor-in-Chief
The Transforming Role of Librarians (and Libraries)
How one district is preparing their librarians to be leaders in technology, information literacy, and professional development
Susan K.S. Grigsby, Ed.S.
The Promise of Virtual Reality in Education
A revolutionizing factor in the shift to “expo education"
Rene Gadelha
Who cares about Eutaw, Alabama?
Let's do some big things for the little ones who are under-supported
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Finding Quality Ed-Tech Tools for the Classroom
A Teacher Shares His Steps for Spotting the Good Stuff
Dave Blanchard
Rant as the Ed-Tech Market Reaches Critical Transition
What is going on with Ed-Tech transition right now? Like last year, loads of industry reps are getting knocked around. Companies fire whole battalions of them at once. Then they show up in oth...
LeiLani Cauthen, CEO & Publisher
Evolving Education in an Experience Economy
How We Help Students Navigate the Digital World in the Midst of Information Chaos
Susanna Clavello
The Network Crash Nightmare for Education
5-Steps Every K-12 Network I/T Department Should Be Taking to Prepare for Density
David Kafitz, Ed.D.
The Scale of Digital Equity
Context to determine where you stand on the issue of digital equity
Cebron Walker, Editor-in-Chief
Transitioning to Digital, Sustainably
Ohio Educators Meet to Discussion Digital Challenges and Solutions
Learning Counsel Staff
Enabling Student Collaboration and Interactive Teaching in Beaverton (OR)
How one teaching is engaging digital natives who are daily immersed in visual content
Heather Hoxie
Mixing Solutions for Peak Success
Can teaching and learning styles play nice together for great outcomes?
Dr. Robert Dillon
Fresno USD Serves up WiFi Enabled Buses
Technology move to bring equity and support students who have longer rides
Jedidiah Chernabaeff
Exploring Space: The Final Frontier
A discussion of the redesign of schools and the evolution of education, part 1
Cebron Walker, Editor-in-Chief
Spotlights on Transformation
Transitioning to digital curriculum launches districts and schools into redesigning the classroom
Cebron Walker, Editor-in-Chief
Afraid Your Students Have Too Much Screen Time?
Don’t pull the plug yet, digital tools might be critical to students’ academic success
Dr. Sally I’Anson
Pokémon Go in Education
The new craze has innovative educators working overtime
Cebron Walker, Editor-in-Chief
Here's What to Look for When Evaluating an EdTech Resource
Did you know that in 2021, the global edtech market was valued at USD 106.46 billion? Furthermore, the annual growth rate in education technology is expected to grow by over 16.5% from 2022 to...
Robyn Shulman
EdTech and the Classroom: How EdTech has Transformed the Way Teachers Teach and Students Learn
Editors Note: This is the first in a series Over the past decade, the thoughtful integration of educational technology (EdTech) in the classroom has significantly transformed the way we tea...
Kris Astle
Great EdTech Tools That Can Help Improve High School Learning
High school is an incredibly crucial time wherein students can cultivate their knowledge and pursue great educational outcomes. It is likewise a space that helps prepare them for the academic...
Nicole D. Peabody
Modern Challenges Facing District IT Leaders — and How Comprehensive EdTech Can Help
As students learn to navigate VPNs, proxies, and generative AI tools at alarming rates, K-12 IT teams are playing a more nuanced role in promoting digital safety and wellbeing. At the same ti...
Harrison Parker
It's Complicated: Why Edtech Companies and Educators Need to Improve Their Relationship Status
The early days of a partnership are always the most exciting, full of hope and possibilities for the future. You can’t wait to embark on this exciting journey with a partner who promises to m...
Doug Roberts and Bridget Duru
Tech Made Easy: Empowering Educators to Inspire the Next Generation!
As technology continues to evolve, more and more EdTech tools enter the marketplace. The use of these tools in classrooms has grown just as rapidly, with school districts employing an averag...
Kris Astle
Changing Mindsets: The Benefits of Compliance for EdTechs
The education sector is increasingly relying on tech-enabled tools to enhance learning outcomes: a LearnPlatform report showed that school systems used 8% more tech tools than last year. As...
Mike DeCock
Featured Papers
The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.
Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.
Three Near-Term Innovation Areas for K12

An Essential Audio Ingredient in Today’s Accessible Learning Environments

The Gaps Remaining for District Digital Transition

5 Steps to Fixing the Hidden Traffic of Records Management Overwhelming Schools

From Chaos to Learning Recovery: Going from Manual-Digital All the Way to Efficiency

Hybrid Logistics Security