Featured Articles


Why you should care about developing soft skills in your district and what to do about it

Soft skills. Everyone has heard of them, but many people can’t define them. They are called durable skills, professional skills, life skills, enduring skills, career readiness skills and a host...

Lisa Riegel


What Students Should Know About Digital Citizenship

A recent opinion piece in Education Week sums up the issues surrounding cell phones in schools quite well. Tom Moore, a high school IB teacher in New York City, wrote that the recent push t...

Al Kingsley


It's Complicated: Why Edtech Companies and Educators Need to Improve Their Relationship Status

The early days of a partnership are always the most exciting, full of hope and possibilities for the future. You can’t wait to embark on this exciting journey with a partner who promises to m...

Doug Roberts and Bridget Duru


Amid the Continuing Rise of Technology, Educators Can Play a Larger Role in Student Eye Health

For all of EdTech’s amazing benefits, it does have the downside of increased screen time. This has been largely linked with numerous health concerns, especially regarding ocular wellness. While...

Lena Bench


Building a Video-Infused Professional Learning Program

A districtwide practice of recording and reviewing lessons improves outcomes for teachers, education leaders, and students.

Dana Dudenhoeffer

Share to Care

Sustainable Self-Care Practices for Educators and Students

Staff mental health has a ripple effect on student wellness and success. Here’s how schools can address both effectively.

Leslie Cole


E-learning Methods Intertwined with the Principles of UDL. Can it Address Accessibility?

While E-learning has really gained traction in the last 30 years with the advent of the Internet, the concept of remote learning has been present in our society for much longer. One of the ea...

Joe Ferraro


AI Calendaring is Breaking the By-Age Whole Group Pattern

We need you to contact us if you agree that a solution mentioned in this article should be explored. When we say, “breaking the by-age whole groupings,” you probably think of self-paced on...

LC Staff


Modern Challenges Facing District IT Leaders — and How Comprehensive EdTech Can Help

As students learn to navigate VPNs, proxies, and generative AI tools at alarming rates, K-12 IT teams are playing a more nuanced role in promoting digital safety and wellbeing. At the same ti...

Harrison Parker


Empowering K-12 Students Through Strategic Technological Integration

In an increasingly digital world, preparing students to thrive in the future workforce is a priority that schools can no longer afford to sideline. The integration of technology into the clas...

Adam Sandman


Math Anxiety & Learning Difficulties: Expert Tips For Addressing the US Math Crisis

Math proficiency has been dropping in the US since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with more children struggling to perform basic math tasks. Not only are children as young as six ex...

Jessica Kaminski


The Crossroads of AI vs. Human Teaching

Dear Everyone in Education, I’m boldly going to just ask for your help. I know I’m not the only one who thinks we will always need human teachers in K12 learning. Yet some AI experts think th...

LeiLani Cauthen


Why Supplemental Educational Resources Are Critical to Educational Success

In the post-pandemic landscape of education, where the needs of learners are as diverse as the tools available to teach them, the importance of supplemental educational resources cannot be ov...

Lance Rougeux


Developing the Human Co-Intelligences to Balance AI

Learning Counsel research shows a marked need to advocate for schools developing all nine human intelligences instead of focusing largely on just two: mathematical-logical and linguistic. ...

LC Staff


Back to School Anxiety

Kids are starting to go back to school across the country, and it’s sparking anxiety for kids and parents. Here are some key tips for how families can ease back-to-school anxiety this year. ...

Stacy Thiry


Maximizing Early-Year Math: How Ka’umana Elementary School Has Accelerated Math Learning

Like most states, Hawaii has experienced significant challenges in recovering from the loss of instructional time during COVID-19. The results from state testing in 2022-23 indicated that 4...

Akemi Faria


Examining Learning Theories through the Science of Learning

Ever since human beings started passing down knowledge, we have had to make assumptions about how learning happens and how to teach so that learning occurs. And it must have been obvious from...

Betsy Hill and Roger Stark


Two Years after the Pandemic, Our Students are Still MIA

Back in the 70s, as a result of the Vietnam War, we had hundreds (and possibly thousands) of our soldiers that were Missing in Action. I remember those days well. In fact, I wore a POW/MIA br...

Charlie Warhaftig

Share to Care

Banishing Failure with Personalized and Project-Based Learning

What school and teacher is not trying to banish learning failure? Well, when I spoke to Glen Taylor, the Co-CEO of Centric Learning, a former educator and passionate change-agent, I was st...

LeiLani Cauthen


Think Educators Can Only Manage Classrooms and Not Companies? Think Again!

As much progress as we’re making in so many ways as a populace and a planet, there are still some outdated assumptions that underlie any culture and shape a society’s mindset. Here in our cou...

Michael Kaufman

Featured Papers

The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.

Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.

Three Near-Term Innovation Areas for K12
K12 human resources are crucial to utilizing the cloud successfully. Roles and responsibilities have all changed dramatically since the start of the pandemic, and a new trend to move to core co...
An Essential Audio Ingredient in Today’s Accessible Learning Environments
Today’s learning environments have changed markedly from just a couple years ago, prior to the pandemic. Tech devices are comprehensively in both the student and teacher hands, but are they missin...
The Gaps Remaining for District Digital Transition
Most administrators know there are still gaps remaining in their school or district’s digital transition. Recent studies including the 2021 Digital Transition Surveys for Administrators and Teache...
5 Steps to Fixing the Hidden Traffic of Records Management Overwhelming Schools
How come digital processes seem easier but are often harder to manage? A major shift to digital teaching and learning in schools has developed an additional digital traffic load for teachers and f...
From Chaos to Learning Recovery: Going from Manual-Digital All the Way to Efficiency
Seeing the Levels of Chaos Helps Anchor Bringing Order Schools and districts that recently lost 4 percent of students to alternatives continued to lose students in 2021 at an accelerated pace (no...
Hybrid Logistics Security
Your district is a brand, and your network security helps power its reputation. With the accelerated move to hybrid learning environments over the past year, school districts across the nation are...