For Vendors

Being Intentional about Keeping Educators Educating

I have quite a few educators in my circle. Family members, neighbors, friends. Since the beginning of this year, many of them have already let me know they won’t be heading back to the classroom...

Jacob Hanson

5 Key Education Marketing Trends for 2022

What are the major trends in business-to-education marketing that companies need to be aware of to stay one step ahead in a rapidly changing business environment? #1) Lead generation and incr...

Saul Hafenbredl

Tips for Having Productive Conversations at Education Conferences

Turn brief encounters with prospects into meaningful conversations.

Kelsea Kierstead

Taking and Giving Feedback with a Growth Mindset

One of the questions on the  growth mindset quiz  that we use to help our clients (and ourselves) assess our growth mindset is this: “I appreciate when instructors and coaches give me feedback...

Betsy Hill

We’re Back in the Saddle Again

“I'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend is a friend” --Gene Autry Maybe these Gene Autry lyrics are just a bit dated. Or maybe I’m just a bit older than the law allows. But I c...

Charles Sosnik

The Listening Tricks

"You can interrupt the chorus of monologues by being the first to listen" --William Ury   Listening . . . . . . is the builder of lifelong learning and of strong relationships. It is als...

Mac Bogert

These Administrators are Awesome

  Pandemic year two, 2021, was rough but administrators in K12 were resilient and amazing. While currently inviting another round of amazing administrators for 2022, the Learning Counsel tha...

The LC Staff

EdTech Top of Mind for 2022: Skills Certifications, Security Compliance and Student Data Privacy!

When they close the book on this era, 2020 will be remembered as the year of COVID. 2021 was the year that the world learned to live remotely, the year that everything was on the table, and th...

Robert Iskander

The K-12 Cybersecurity Act of 2021: Will it Go Far Enough?

Learning has been seriously disrupted and fundamentally altered by the pandemic. While schools everywhere have learned valuable lessons about high-tech teaching by adapting to remote learning an...

Patrick Davenport

Soldier on

If I have learned anything in my 61 years on the planet, it is that everything changes, and opportunities always present themselves if you watch for them. Take this year for example. 2022 seem...

Charles Sosnik

Embracing Discovery On-The-Fly

Let me start this article with clarity. We view  Demo Discovery  as the process in which you get as much information out of the people you're going to demo as possible. Simply put, the results o...

Bob Riefstahl

Just How Big is the EdTech Market? Watch this Briefing and Find Out!

  Learning Council members wait all year for our new Market Briefing, based on the Learning Counsel’s huge Digital Transition Survey, the most comprehensive EdTech survey in K-12 education. Th...

The LC Staff

New Year Predictions from the Swami of Sacramento

2021 was quite a year. Lots of money to be made, and tons and tons of mergers and acquisitions. As a friend of mine said when describing the EdTech activity for 2021, “The EdTech community is ea...

Charles Sosnik

Tips for Producing a Professional Podcast

In 2019,  more than one-third of Americans age 12 and older listened to podcasts regularly   — that’s 104 million people each month. Today,  an estimated 120 million people listen to podcasts...

Jennifer Harrison

This Year, I am Thankful for…

It has become something of a tradition each year around Thanksgiving to write a piece about being grateful – what I am thankful for each year. This year I have so much for which to be thankful...

Charles Sosnik

I Can’t Wait Until Things Go Back to Normal

That’s going to be a long wait. A few years back, a good friend said to me, “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” I think that waiting for  back to normal  is inap...

Mac Bogert

Getting Reacquainted with your audience

I’m gonna say it again...things have been a bit wild these last 18+ months. They have created scenarios we could never have predicted that forced us all to learn and adapt on the fly. My habits,...

Jacob Hanson

The Art of Storytelling in Business: 20 Places to Utilize Storytelling

It is hard to argue the value and impact of storytelling in business. Great stories capture people's attention, imaginations, and emotions. Compelling stories inspire everyday buyers around the ...

Bob Riefstahl and Chad Wilson

Leverage Video Before, During, & After Your Next Software Demo

If you’re in  Sales  or  PreSales  in an education technology company, you know all about the importance of securing the “technical win.” Accomplishing this step means you are over a significant...

Bob Riefstahl

Selling Edtech through the School Staffing Shift: A Little Understanding Goes a Long Way

A recent Learning Counsel event for the State of Tennessee highlighted a trend in shifting instructional tech staff operations in schools and districts. Williamson County Schools, with 41,500 st...

LeiLani Cauthen

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