ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher accelerates student learning through high-impact, grade-level, live online tutoring. The platform’s highly qualified tutors are state-certified teachers who are experts in teaching elementary grades, as well as experts in the content and materials. They offer individualized instruction to groups of one to four students.
Designed to develop students’ knowledge of concepts and not just isolated skills, instruction aligns with grade-level curriculum and learning standards. ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher offers sustained support, with at least three 30–60-minute sessions per week over 6-10 weeks. Sessions are typically delivered while students are at school, and are presented in a positive, highly engaging format, featuring ST Math’s beloved penguin, JiJi. Social-emotional learning is built into the structure of the games and puzzles that teach student agency, perseverance, and development of self-belief in math.
ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher for students in grades 1-5 offers a short-term or long-term solution from an organization known for making evidence-based math instruction fun. The lessons are not a duplication of what students see in the classroom, but rather an extension that reinforces essential math concepts by offering access to new, engaging materials and tools without an additional purchase.

Formats/platforms used:
VIPTeacher provides state-certified educators for tutors. They also provide the scheduling software with an integrated Zoom collaboration environment. VIPTeacher serves over 1.3 million K-12 students globally delivering over 200 million tutoring classes, with experience providing tutoring to individual programs with over 3,000 students learning simultaneously.
Primary URL:
Problem solved:
ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher provides math tutoring using spatial-temporal math puzzles to develop students’ conceptual understanding of math and accelerate learning. Students build confidence, perseverance, and proficiency. For the students who have been most impacted by interrupted instruction, rather than emphasizing missed skills, ST Math removes the barriers that prevent students from accessing grade-level content.
Grades 1–5
Core or extracurricular:
ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher addresses the core subject of mathematics.
It is aligned to the Common Core, TEKS, and Florida B.E.S.T. State Standards.

Lesson time needed:
It offers 30-minute remote tutoring sessions per student in a group of 4 or less.
Pricing model:
Contact us to explore ST Math Tutoring Powered by VIPTeacher with a demo and to discuss pricing.
Additional services needed:
No additional services are required.
What makes ST Math Tutoring unique?
It focuses on elementary math foundational skills to ensure long-term mathematical success. The content developed for this tutoring program uses a neuroscience-based approach to accelerate learning. Lessons are not a repetition of what was already done in class. It is designed to support students on grade-level content using ST Math’s patented spatial-temporal models. ST Math’s visual puzzles and game-based approach allows all students to build foundational grade-level skills as well as improved self-beliefs in mathematics.
All users receive:
● Access to VIPTeacher tutoring platform that includes student bulk upload and scheduling upload and implementation support;
● Free access to ST Math Academy on-demand professional learning modules;
● Embedded program help and tutorials;
● Ongoing minor software updates;
● Technical support via email and/or phone;
● Student attendance data; and
● Feedback from the tutor at the end of each lesson.

ST Math features spatial-temporal puzzles that encourage students to learn through productive struggle using informative feedback. As they try to move JiJi, the ST Math penguin, from one side of the screen to another, they have an opportunity to learn from mistakes and develop a conceptual understanding of math that serves as a foundation for mathematical vocabulary and further learning.
Here's what users are saying:
"We had the opportunity to contract with ST Math for our summer day camp program. The students enjoyed working with their tutor in a small group. The lessons and games were engaging. The students made progress in their Math skills in a short amount of time. "
—Stacie Bonura, M.S., coordinator, special projects, Hollister (CA) School District