Mathseeds is an award-winning early math program designed to help build students' confidence and enthusiasm for math in the early years (pre-K–3). The program is specifically created with young students in mind, featuring highly engaging math lessons and activities that are sure to keep them entertained and on track with their learning!
Mathseeds is trusted by teachers for its curriculum alignment to state standards and proven effectiveness, earning ESSA Level II evidence certification. Mathseeds has been independently proven to show statistically significant math growth for students who use the program.
Mathseeds understands that young learners need to be engaged and entertained if they are to stay on task. The program uses self-paced, interactive lessons, colourful animations and exciting rewards to foster an early love of math. Focusing on developing a solid understanding of foundational math concepts, the lessons are designed to ensure that key concepts are learned in depth which greatly improves long-term retention. The progressive sequence of core math lessons ensures all students begin at the right level and improve their math performance as they progress through a curriculum-based continuum. The program also incorporates Problem Solving activities into the lessons, and a section dedicated to Mental Math Fluency.
Mathseeds is available via any internet-connected computer or tablet, along with apps in Google Play and the app store.
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Problem solved:
Mathseeds helps teachers engage and motivate their students as well as saves them time with automated assessments. Our program offers teachers a plethora of resources and lesson plans and allows for easy differentiated learning, all with peace of mind knowing that it’s evidence-based, curriculum-aligned and 3rd party-certified to meet ESSA requirements.
Grades/age range:
Pre-kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade and 3rd grade.
Core or supplemental:
Mathseeds is a supplemental mathematics program specifically designed to meet the needs of early math learners. Mathseeds provides comprehensive coverage of grades K, 1, 2 and 3 math with curriculum alignment to state and Common Core standards. We offer customized in-person or virtual professional learning on a range of topics, including general pedagogy and best-practice teaching.
Mathseeds covers math standards across all domains in grades K, 1, 2 and 3 with 50 comprehensive lessons per grade level including more than 2,500 different interactive learning activities and assessments. Mathseeds is aligned to the Common Core and state standards for math.

Lesson time needed:
Teachers can see student results with just 45 minutes per week. Students can complete one or two Mathseeds lessons in three 15-minute sessions per week, at school or at home.
Pricing model:
The needs of each school and district are unique. The Mathseeds’ Education Specialists will create a customized plan that aligns with the learning objectives for all students.
Additional services needed:
What makes Mathseeds unique?
Mathseeds’ progressive lesson sequence tailors to each student’s ability level. Before starting Mathseeds, every student is prompted to complete a Placement Test ensuring that they begin their learning journey at the right level that matches their math skills.
Students complete end of lesson quizzes along with End of Map quizzes, providing teachers with reporting and understanding of where their students' strengths (and weaknesses) are.
Teachers are also provided with a Teacher Dashboard with access to additional learning materials and printable worksheets.

Designed and built by the team who created Reading Eggs, the award-winning online reading program, the student experience is designed to be easy to use and navigate.
Students are prompted to do their lessons and an interactive reward system is built into all their learning.
The teacher interface is designed to help teachers easily track and monitor their students’ results, as well as accessing additional teacher support materials in a few easy steps. The teacher interface also includes guided prompts to help teachers navigate the interface, along with prompts to help announce and promote new features in the program.
Here's what users are saying:
“Finally, a math program that is both kid-friendly and academically sound. I've been searching for years and am happy to say that Mathseeds will be used by my kindergarteners daily—they love it and their teacher does too.”
– Betsy M., Poage Elementary, KY
“I love it and my students ask me to do Mathseeds every day. They say it is 'cool and the best math games ever'.”
– Kimberly H., Mulberry Elementary School, NC
“I'm very happy with what I see. I like that Mathseeds follows the [national curriculum] and that it's very interactive. Kids love when it's their turn on Mathseeds.”
– Deb F., Northwest Elementary, Lincoln, IL