Featured Articles
2019 Was a Very Good Year. What’s Next?
It’s hard not to get excited for the prospects in American education. As dark as the media sometimes makes things sound, the truth is we are on the cusp of a period of educational enlightenment....
Charles Sosnik
Target Attainment: Teachers are No Longer the Target
“Target attainment” is such a military term, wouldn’t you agree? We hear it in military movies, and sometimes from sales leaders. The term makes us feel so ruthless. Like we must make whatev...
LeiLani Cauthen
Polar Bears & 2018 Ed-Tech Sales Target Attainment
“Target attainment” is such a military term, wouldn’t you agree? We hear it in military movies, and sometimes from sales leaders. The term makes us feel so ruthless. Like we must make whatev...
LeiLani Cauthen, Publisher
Resources Now That All Schools Are Temporarily Homeschools
This is the time that America pulls together. Most schools under the current threat of coronavirus spread are opting to close and attempt remote learning. The Learning Counsel is at yo...
The LC Staff
The Tenets of Education: Why Your School Should Stick to Core Principles Instead of Market Trends
What’s hot in education technology? A better question might be, what’s hot in EdTech this year ? It’s no surprise that the sector is growing – and quickly. In 2017, EdTech industry investment...
Steve Halliwell and Cheryl Miller
Learning for the Always-On Generation (Part 2)
Today’s Kids Learn Differently In the previous article, Learning for the Always-On Generation (Part 1) , readers were introduced to the observation that today’s kids are different. They ta...
Ryan L Schaaf
Do Right for Education with Lifelong Partnerships
I talked with Edmentum President and CEO Jamie Candee shortly after she was honored by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Business Journal as one of the top women in business. The Journal wrote ; “In t...
Kenna McHugh, Learning Counsel Writer
Disruption: The Sum of the Effect
Here is an excerpt from Chapter 11 of The Consumerization of Learning . "What’s the sum of all this semi-invisible disruptive force known generally as the technology transition running ov...
LeiLani Cauthen, Author, The Consumerization of Learning
Teacher Metamorphosis
Here is an excerpt form Chapter 26 of The Consumerization of Learning . "School administrators who do not want a wholesale insurrection as they move schools towards consumerized learning need...
LeiLani Cauthen, Author, The Consumerization of Learning
Scanning Fingerprints Simplifies Each School Day
Sitting down and discussing biometric identification management technology with identiMetrics Biometric ID Management co-founder and CFO Anne Marie Dunphy formulated the importance of simplifyin...
Kenna McHugh, Learning Counsel Writer
Putting Plush Toys To Work For Learning
Talking with Kayle Concepts, LLC founder and CEO Laura Jiencke was a whirlwind conversation about not only discovering and developing an educational tool but being emotionally inspired to help s...
Kenna McHugh, Learning Counsel Writer
What is Data Literacy?
Looking at a piece or set of digital data is meaningless if there is no understanding of how it is displayed. This Special Report not only discusses how digital displays are generally create...
The LC Staff
Sitting down and talking with Buncee founder and CEO Marie Arturi felt like a fireside chat. She includes me as she discusses her company; like I am on the team, also feverishly working to mak...
Kenna McHugh, Learning Counsel Writer
Evolution of Education in the Bay Area: An Interview with Traci Bonde, Chief Technology Officer for Dublin USD
The Learning Counsel caught up with Traci Bonde, Chief Technology Officer for the Dublin Unified School District in the San Francisco Bay Area, to chat about EdTech, blended learning and how her...
Troy Starr, Learning Counsel Writer
Playing to Win
During The Gathering, an annual event hosted by the Learning Counsel, education professionals met to discuss the events of the past year and to work together to envision the future. During this ...
Troy Starr, Learning Counsel Writer
The Overweight Education Structure
It occurred to me recently that, in all the Learning Counsel’s talking with schools about the real issue being structure as the preeminent change to make in digital transition, we ought to be ...
LeiLani Cauthen, Publisher
The 100+ Characteristics of Digital Curriculum
Welcome to greater understanding of what’s what in Ed-Tech! A group of interested working education executives continue to expand and refine these definitions of terms by joining the User I...
Troy Starr, Learning Counsel Writer
Online Teaching Jobs Growing
Online schools are reporting a steady increase of K-12 students in the last decade according to National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). More families and students consider their digit...
Kenna McHugh, Staff Writer
5 New Ed-Tech Dimensions in 2018
December 22, 2017 The Ed-Tech market is maturing, and starting to spend at a very fast clip. Now that 85% of students in America have access to a computing device of some kind for a significa...
LeiLani Cauthen, Publisher, Learning Counsel
Featured Papers
The Learning Counsel presents journals, papers and briefs on critical topics in Digital Education.
Most will require registration in order to access them, but they are all free.
Three Near-Term Innovation Areas for K12

An Essential Audio Ingredient in Today’s Accessible Learning Environments

The Gaps Remaining for District Digital Transition

5 Steps to Fixing the Hidden Traffic of Records Management Overwhelming Schools

From Chaos to Learning Recovery: Going from Manual-Digital All the Way to Efficiency

Hybrid Logistics Security